Say Goodbye to 2016

What a busy year in 2016! Since I have known the IELTS grade. This war has already began. From preparing personal documents to accepting offers from Hong Kong, I never have any time to have a break. After reaching HK, the rhythm of life seems more fast than ever before. The syllabus of CUHK arrange…

I am here, but where r u?

I wanted to say lots of things if my dream comes true. Actually, the fact is different with my thinking. There are two reasons why I pause to update the blog for a long period time. The one is I am so busy since I attend CUHK. The other one is I find I don’t have…


I find the blog is old-fashioned now, no more netizens are surfing blog website any more. I have run this blog for a decade. It looks like a long period of time. someone surprised for my insistence, cuz I really spend lots of time and energy to manage it. Maybe I do not upgrade the…


After taking and editing photos I have shot for others, I got time to edited my photos. A friend took them for me at a street. We wanna try some different challenges.But I still do not think photography is the most profitable job in China. The market requirement of high quality pictures is limited, especially…

Be myself without guilty

The plan is processing. I hope the big day come early. I work hard every day for prepare contents and materials. The item have a little bit difficult. I have meet some troubles which can not stop my steps, cuz I have just gone through the most difficult time until now. I do not care…


I have been making some plans at the begin of 2016. I hope everything will be OK, although I am trying to walk down a narrow path that is hemmed in by thorny vines and low hanging branches. In fact, after passing my exam, I am no longer afraid anything, Today is the last day…

Sing song and smile

When I finish my aim this month, I begin to sing song and smile, I can drink a cup of coffee without any pressure. I will meet friends freely. Numerous photos could be edited and posted, cuz I have time to deal with all of them, Below pic was shot in a tunnel near by…

Every thing will be changed

I know every thing will be changed down the road. I have prepared something that I do not tell others for a long period of time. Although the result of which is not positively like expectant, I have defeated my shortages. Of course, the story is not over yet. But I will win the chance…